Sunday, April 21, 2013

Monkey Business

For years scientist and environmental researchers have known that certain species of animals have the ability to communicate through verbal noises. In Andrew Moseman's Discover Magazine article he explains how one thing that separates animal language and human language is syntax. Moseman describes syntax as the stringing together of sounds or noises to create meaning in the order in which they come. Recently though, some researchers are suggesting that certain species of monkeys are showing the ability of syntax and higher forms of verbal communication. Researcher Klaus Zuberbuhler and his team observed monkeys of Tai National Park using repetitive language and sounds to warn for potential dangers and also to call to gather into groups. According to their findings the verbal cue for danger followed by some low "oo" sounds warned of a falling branch, whereas the verbal cue just for danger warned of approaching predators. Although many researchers are accepting these findings as proof of syntax, they say that primates are certainly not developing language like that of humans.

Research such as this is important to science today because it could provide helpful information to how animals are evolving or changing overtime. The more scientist know about this, the better we can understand how things such as the environment and our surroundings can shape us. Also understanding how language develops is also helpful in understanding society and how groups of animals or even people interact with each other. This could lead to better conservation efforts as well as filling in holes to evolution.

I chose this article to blog about today solely because of the interesting topic. I believe that biological evolution of animals is very interesting although I don't necessarily believe all that scientist have to say about it. I have also been interested in how language develops, and studying it at its most basic levels can lead to a better understanding of it overall.

Just One Sip

According to Christie Wilcox of Discover Online Magazine new findings are showing that just one sip of beer is enough to trigger the release of neurotransmitters related to pleasure sensors in the brain. Even though many can recall a dislike of beer upon first taste, there is something in the drink that brings people back wanting more, whether they realize it or not. The neurotransmitter to blame in this case is dopamine, a chemical which is linked to pleasure and can often be related to additions. Stimulants which cause an increase of dopamine can trick the brain into thinking that the body needs something which is actually unhealthy for it. In order to better understand the relationship between beer and the neurotransmitters in the brain, researcher David Kareken created a test in which men's brain activity were monitored while drinking beer. Results showed that just one sip was enough to release a wave of dopamine that was enough to cause the body to want more. Along with this, Kareken found that those with a history of alcoholism in their family showed higher levels of dopamine when drinking alcohol. Knowledge such as this is pivotal in better understanding alcohol addictions and the hereditary aspects of the addiction.

In society today alcoholism is a condition that is affecting millions of individuals every day. Families are being destroyed, lives being lost, and people becoming depressed because of this terrible condition. In order for researchers and scientist to create ways to combat the addiction it is necessary to understand how alcohol interacts with our brain and body. Research such as that mentioned above is providing opportunity and painting a bright future for those involved with combating the alcohol addiction. This article is relevant today because of the large number of people affected by alcoholism and the potential that we have to combat the condition.

I chose this article today because of the number of people that I know affected by alcoholism. I have seen the life change that can result because of this addiction. Fortunately I have not seen it in my life or anyone in my families, but I have multiple friends who have become prisoner to this condition. It is saddening to see how alcohol can take a healthy young happy person and turn them into an aggressive depressed individual. It is my hope that one day we can find a solution to the addictive characteristics of alcohol.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Microbes in Meat and Bacteria Related to Heart Disease

What's to Blame?
For years it has been common knowledge that consumption of red meat is related to an increased risk for heart disease. Although this has been known, scientist are still trying to pinpoint exactly what in the red meat is causing the increased risk. In the past it was thought to be due to sodium levels, or saturated fat but recent studies are pointing to microbes that exist in meat along with bacteria in our stomachs to be the culprits. Stanley Hazen a biochemist from Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, hypothesized that it was a microbe called L- carnitine in the red meat that was helping transport fatty acids into cell mitochondria. A rise in levels of TMAO (trimethylene N-oxide) in the body is proof of rising blood pressure, and in our bodies Hazen believes that L-carnitine is being converted to TMAO by the bacteria in our stomach. Therefore an increased consumption of products containing L-carnitine would cause in increase in blood pressure/ risk for heart disease. It is not just red meat that contains this nutrient either; L-carnitine is popularly used in products such as energy drinks because of its stimulating affects.

Heart disease is a major problem in adults today, and shows no signs of slowing down. As the country's obesity rate is on the rise as well, anything that can better our knowledge of how the things we eat effect our body is of utmost importance. The information discussed in this article has the potential to lead us to discoveries possibly preventing or coping with heart disease better than we can now.  If we can find a way to block the interaction between L-carnitine and the microbes that exist in our stomachs, there could be a way to decrease the effects that red meat has on rising blood pressure.

To me this article is important because it relates to the future health of this country, which is currently in very poor condition. I believe that it is not a matter of ignorance it's just a matter of how willing Americans are to lead healthy lifestyles. Although I do think it is important for scientist and cardiologist to continue research such as what is discussed above. We can never have enough information about our health and how the human body works, but it is also up to us as individuals to take care of our bodies.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Gene Therapy in Arthritis Cases

Gene Therapy in Arthritis Cases

Gene therapy is a relatively new area of science in which geneticists are learning how to modify genes in organisms to effect the overall function of the body. This process is showing promising results in many areas of science such as disease prevention. If a geneticists can change the genotype in an organism's body to mask that of a disease, the disease can be prevented. Along with this genes can also be added for the body to make more or less of a certain bodily chemical in order to cope with a current condition. This is what scientist are hoping to do with arthritis.

Arthritis is a condition in which chronic pain persists in joints of the body. Many cases of this condition are caused by a protein deficiency for the protein lubricin. Lubricin (like you may have guessed by the name) provides a lubricant between joints, allowing for smooth pain-free movement. A low amount of lubricant means that joints are grinding and not moving very freely, causing the pain in arthritis. This type of arthritis is a genetic condition, meaning that it can be passed on from generation to generation and can even affect young people. Because it is a genetic disorder, scientist have been trying to find a way (through gene therapy) to encode the body to make more lubricin. Because gene therapy has not been approved for human testing yet, scientist have been testing their efforts on mice.

Scientists did their testing on mice that were bred to have an extra gene to produce lubricin. In these tests they compared the modified mice to a control group that received no treatment. The modified mice were subject to a knee injury and observed afterward. After the injury the modified mice exhibited no arthritis and resembled the cartilage of the mice that were never injured. Then the control group was subject to the same. These mice showed symptoms of arthritis just one month after the injuries.

Because of the growing life expectancy and population of elderly people in the world, arthritis is a rapidly increasing condition. Today it affects more people than it ever has. It is a painful and hard condition to live with, which is why it is important that research and testing such as that stated above be funded and continuing. Gene therapy is also a field of science that has a bright future. The possibilities seem endless with such a wide range of genes to work with. But scientist have a fine line to watch as they decide what is necessary and what is immoral to do with humans.

This article was interesting for me because biology and chemistry classes that I have taken in the past have peaked my interest in genetics. I think that it is a fascinating field that has not been around that long, but has the chance to provide some of the greatest discoveries for the next century. I also think that the moral/ immoral practice part of it is a great debate for scientist because even I do not know where I stand on how far I am willing to let science go with modifying human genes. Either way gene therapy is an interesting topic with a bright future.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Fine Line in Depression

How can we as people level measures of sadness? At what point does sadness and feelings of this nature enter into a state of depression and is there a certain point that constitutes depression? These are all questions that psychiatrists and psychologists have been asking for years. In an article from Discover magazine, the work of Jerome Wakefield and Mark Schmitz, is looked to for answers to the above questions. Wakefield and Schmitz conducted a survey in the 1980s in which they questioned approximately 20,000 adults twice a year on their current state in terms of emotion, mood, and mental health. This survey concluded that those who reported a history of depression the first time around were more likely to be depressed by the time they were surveyed again. This led to Wakefield and Schmitz  diagnosing those who were depressed as either having complicated depression or uncomplicated depression. Those who had complicated depression had certain symptoms such as depression, lasting longer than 2 months, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of worthlessness. People showing these symptoms were more likely to be diagnosed as clinically depressed whereas those who were categorized with uncomplicated depression were just thought to be experiencing normal feelings of sadness. But this article begs the question, is there a line at which you can say that someone is depressed and not just experiencing normal sadness, and are the symptoms mentioned above evidence enough of clinical depression?

These are definitely questions worth asking in the world today. With depression affecting more people than it ever has, any answers could shed some light on further treatments. It is a terrible thing for someone to go through life feeling depressed, and in many ways this has been linked to actual chemical changes in the brain. I feel that further research into possible drug treatments is important, but I also feel that clinical psychiatric help could also be the best. Treating depression would benefit not only the person but society as a whole. Morale in the workplace would be boosted, student happiness rates would go up, and because of this I believe the world would be a better place.

Today's article was chosen because I believe depression is growing problem in our nation. Much of it is caused by the pressures of society to be the best worker or the best student making the most money etc... But the more we know about depression and other psychological conditions the more we can do to prevent/ treat them. It is my hope that one day depression levels be at an all time low and the only way to get here is to have a better understanding of what is going on inside the brain and in the outside environment.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

One Step Closer to Preventing Strokes

Miracle Water?
If you are reading this blog, more than likely you know someone or know of someone who has suffered from a stroke. Seeing the effects of a stroke on a person is a sad sight. Often times the victim loses control of part of their body and suffer permanent brain damage. In a stroke, a blood clot blocks blood from getting to part of the brain. When this happens many neurons in the brain die because of the lack of blood. This is the cause for much of the neurological problems following a stroke. Although the stroke itself is responsible for much of the damage, the worst is done as the brain tries to recover. As the brain clot denigrates new cells release reactive oxygen species which kill cells around them. Much research is currently taking place to try and reverse the these negative effects. Doctors Mami Noda and Bruce Ransom are testing a new hydrogen enriched drinking water solution that could possibly prevent the reactive oxygen from killing brain cells. In lab test done with rats, parts of their brain's were subject to the same effects of a stroke. Rats that were given the hydrogen enriched water showed a 50 % neuron survival rate; 25% better than the rats that did not receive the enriched water. Scientist believe that the jump in neuron survival is due to the fact that the hydrogen reacts with the oxygen species in the brain in a way that does not affect the neurological activity of the brain. Although this is promising research, it has not yet been tested in humans.

Strokes are an extremely debilitating condition; victims experience extreme discomfort which can change the rest of their lives. Research such as Ransom and Noda's could lead to preventative treatments or even rehabilitation treatments for strokes. When dealing with a condition like a stroke, any possible helpful research needs to be taken seriously and invested in. If it is possible to prevent something as terrible as a stroke from happening to people, we need to take every step to continue in the efforts of the researchers.

Personal Reflection
Being a Psychology major, the human brain is something I am very interested in. I feel as if we as humans have only scratched the surface of everything our brains do for us and are capable of. I believe that many significant discoveries about the brain are still in store for the future. That is why I am so adamant about research such as Ransom and Noda's. An overall better understanding of the brain is necessary for future breakthroughs whether be in brain function, rehabilitation, or overall structure.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Conserving African Elephants

Elephant Populations in Africa on the Decline

The Problem
For years the continent of Africa has been the leading exporter of ivory goods for the world. This massive trade though, comes at the consequence of the source for this good; African Elephants. This trade also accounts for many illegal activities and poaching in Africa because the killing of elephants is prohibited in most of the continent. Over the past few decades Africa has been experiencing a drop in the elephant population, but biologist have not known the severity until recently.  In an article from writer Sarah Williams brings to light the fact that elephant populations have dropped a staggering 62 % in the past ten years. To get this statistic, wildlife biologist Fiona Maisels of the Wildlife Conservation Society and a team of researchers led an expedition to collect 80 surveys of the animal in different African locations. It was the first time an effort as broad and as organized as this has been done on the animal in its conservation history. With the new data collected, the biologist hope African officials realize the seriousness of the elephants situation, and have faith that they will implement better regulation and enforcement of conservation laws. As large as the drop in population seems, the researchers suggest the number may even be more severe. Many surveys were taken in protected areas where elephants often flee to protect themselves from human risks. This could lead to measurements that actually overestimate elephant populations in an area.

Why is this a Problem?
Wildlife conservation is always a problem in today's world of continued industrialization and constant human greed. We as humans often fail to realize the implications of actions and consequences that our ways of living can have on the environment. The case of the elephant in Africa is especially problematic because of Africa's disunity as a continent and differences from place to place in laws and regulations. If environmental groups across the world don't address wildlife agencies and their enforcement of protection laws, then the African Elephant could be facing extinction. One way that I believe we could increase the population of elephants in Africa, is increase the number of protected areas for wildlife . Along with this there needs to be stricter enforcement of conservation law and major penalties for those who chose to break it. Poachers need to be punished to the extent that the reward of the ivory trade is not worth the risk of being caught. Its time for humans to begin taking responsibility for the world we have been blessed with and stop being responsible for the depletion of its resources and wildlife.

Why This Article
I chose this article this week because recently I have been learning a lot about human biology and that pertaining to health and the brain, but have failed to research that of wildlife and environmental biology. I like this article because it deals with the aspects of wildlife and the environment and pertains to a current issue in the world. I have always been passionate about the Earth that God has given us and believe that we should respect and care for it. Wildlife biologist have a daunting task before them to continue to educate the world on ways to conserve as well as reversing the negative effects humans have had on the Earth.